Jewelry Care

Your piece was handmade and therefore delicate in nature. Please treat it with care to improve its longevity. Air pollutants, dust, perspiration, perfumes, and other natural elements can dull the appearance of gemstones or precious metals. The recommendations below will help you to preserve them in their original condition.
Ensure that you remove your jewelry when washing your hands and putting on lotion, perfume, and any sort of creams. The particles present in these cosmetics may become lodged in cavities and form a corrosive blend of materials that in the long term may lead to premature discoloration of the metal.
Diamonds can break, crack, and chip. Diamonds grow and crystallize with cleavage lines. If struck at the right angle and the right amount of impact, diamonds can separate. Cleavage lines are diamonds' weak spots. Diamonds are cut and shaped following these lines.
Diamonds can chip at the edges. The edges are the weakest part of the diamond. A good strike at the right angle can take a section of the girdle away. Sometimes a good hard strike can fracture your diamond and turn it into pieces of cloudy sections.